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Categorieën in deze veiling

Slangpersmachine SG5100-HC, Crimping range: 15-63mm Max opening: >75mm System pressure: 31.5Mpa Crimping force: 500T Output volume of pump: 6.0L ...

Kavelnr: 3332-1
Conditie: Nieuw

Kavel sluit: Gesloten

Biedingen: 0
Startbod: €2950,00

Huidig bod: € 2950,00


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Slangpersmachine SG5000-WS, Crimping range: 15-63mm Max opening: >75mm System pressure: 31.5Mpa Crimping force: 500T Output volume of pump: 6.0L ...

Kavelnr: 3332-2
Conditie: Nieuw

Kavel sluit: Gesloten

Biedingen: 0
Startbod: €2750,00

Huidig bod: € 2750,00


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Slangpersmachine SG3800-HCM, Crimping range: 15-47mm Max opening: >47mm System pressure: 50.0Mpa Crimping force: 260T Output volume of pump: 1.0L ...

Kavelnr: 3332-3
Conditie: Nieuw

Kavel sluit: Gesloten

Biedingen: 0
Startbod: €1250,00

Huidig bod: € 1250,00


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Categorieën in deze veiling

Alle kavels - Bouwmachines

Categorieën in deze veiling